Claims Management

Eligibility and Benefits / Authorization Tracking / Insurance Claim Submission / Patient / Billing & Collections / Remittance Receipt / Posting / Intensive Claim Follow-up

Our detailed-oriented staff will assign an individual claim and batch number to each claim submitted. This will enable us to more efficiently follow-up on claim status as well as provide an audit trail to the original encounter form. In addition, verification of patient’s demographics, insurance benefits and eligibility will be provided when necessary.

Claim follow-up is imperative to ensure that all claims are processing correctly. Most practices will get bogged down with daily workflow and will not the time or resources to follow up on unpaid claims. The result is thousands of dollars lost every month! Once you begin working with our staff, you will immediately begin to see an increase in your receivables! Any unpaid claims will be followed up after 30 days to ensure reimbursement!

Finally, we at Accu-Med know just how critical claim follow-up is to maximize revenue. Therefore, our experienced staff will interface with insurance carriers, patients, and fiscal intermediaries to ensure the maximum receivables in the most timely manner. We will continue to rigorously follow up until the claim is paid!